Informing beekeepers about quality propolis (InfoBeePro)

Project head: Irena Brčić Karačonji

Duration: 10 May 2024–31 Jan 2025

Total funding: 2,500.00 EUR

Donation from Hrvatska elektroprivreda d.d.: 1,400.00 EUR

Summary: Propolis has a high content of phenolic compounds that significantly contribute to its antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and immunomodulatory effects. Therefore, the quality of propolis significantly depends on its phenolic composition. In addition to plant resins, bees can also collect various substances available in the environment, such as toxic elements (e.g. lead, cadmium, arsenic, mercury, etc.) that can be found in propolis. The aim of this project is to determine the level of toxic elements and bioactive components in propolis samples that will be collected in agreement with beekeepers from the Istrian and Primorje-Gorski Kotar counties. The main beneficiaries of the project will be beekeepers who collect propolis, and the results will be implemented through education on measures to reduce the negative impact of the environment on propolis and procedures for preparing propolis extracts with the highest content of bioactive components. Also, propolis consumers will be informed about the quality of Croatian propolis after determining the level of toxic and essential elements, phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity of the collected propolis samples. Additional propolis analyses are planned at locations where an increased proportion of toxic elements is determined, after implementing corrective measures aimed at reducing anthropogenic impacts (as part of field surveys). All research results will be based on modern scientific methods and will make a significant contribution to public health with the possibility of implementing the results in the Croatian economy for the general and national good, which is in line with the vision and mission of the Institute.